More Video – Page 6

  • Cloud strategies and the latest CE cloud use cases

    Cloud strategies and the latest CE cloud use cases


    The cloud continues to revolutionise the media and entertainment industry. Functions and workflows have been transformed to be delivered as software, often as outsourced managed services, rather than dedicated hardware. Benefits have been accrued in efficiency, flexibility and scalability. Cloud environments are also the natural home for developing and deploying ...

  • Case Closed How AI-powered language services busts True Crime Factory´s pre-production bottleneck

    Case Closed: How AI-powered language services busts True Crime Factory´s pre-production bottleneck


    Happy Scribe and True Crime Factory will highlight the benefits of their collaboration. Happy Scribe will showcase its AI-powered media localization platform, emphasizing its extraordinary accuracy, user-friendly interface, support for over 120 languages and customizable features. True Crime Factory will discuss the key advantages of working with Happy Scribe, including ...

  • CaptionHub Live Real-Time, Zero Latency AI Live-Subtitling in 130 Languages

    CaptionHub Live — Real-Time, Zero Latency AI Live-Subtitling in 130 Languages


    Revolutionising global live events, CaptionHub Live uses patent-pending AI technology to transcribe, translate, and publish zero-latency captions directly into video players, fully synchronised with stream audio. Supporting 48 source languages and simultaneous translation into 130 languages, it features Termbases, Custom Dictionaries, formality settings, and profanity filters. Captions are injected into ...

  • Building Modern Origin Content Lakes for OTT and VOD services

    Building Modern Origin Content Lakes for OTT and VOD services


    Media companies that stream directly to customers require an infrastructure that can handle increasing demand for bandwidth, content delivery networks (CDNs), high performance media, and exabytes of data. During this presentation, we will focus on a single aspect of this complex equation: the data infrastructure and how using some of ...

  • Building Live Experiences Enhancing Engagement with Real-time Interactions

    Building Live Experiences: Enhancing Engagement with Real-time Interactions


    In today’s digital landscape, live streams are not just about streaming content but creating interactive experiences that engage audiences in real time. PubNub will examine the technical challenges associated with implementing these features, explore how developers can integrate chat moderation tools with various real-time interactions into their broadcasts, and provide ...

  • Beyond Connectivity

    Beyond Connectivity


    The global smart home market is evolving rapidly. Connectivity is essential, and reliable operation is the expectation. To differentiate, it takes more than high speed and competitive pricing. Showcasing “Connected Living” from Comcast Technology Solutions, this session will highlight how we go Beyond Connectivity by offering advanced broadband and smart ...

  • Android TV Management Key features and benefits

    Android TV Management: Key features and benefits


    With the proliferation of Android TV devices, device management is becoming an industry standard! Telcos, operators and service providers experience a shortcoming especially in ad-hoc remote assistance and streamline operations. With cloud-based device management solutions, you can do things instantly and be specific to apps/features/patches/settings. In this session, Nadav Avni, ...

  • AI Semantic Search Making the Search Experience Simpler and Smoother

    AI Semantic Search: Making the Search Experience Simpler and Smoother


    We’re excited to showcase our new AI Semantic Search feature. Beyond just Search, our goal is to suggest new ways of discovering content. This demo will highlight our “Dive In” option, which offers a cool interface that goes beyond the traditional “rail” mode and makes choosing content a breeze. Instead ...

  • Acquisition, retention and the importance of user experience

    Acquisition, retention and the importance of user experience


    In the increasingly competitive online video marketplace, service providers need to become subscriber magnets – attracting and then retaining users. In this session, speakers from Uniqcast, Cleeng and MediaDistillery will discuss market trends and evolving customer behaviours before exploring the various factors that can help in the fight against churn: ...

  • 5G innovations for M&E

    5G innovations for M&E - update


    The 5G specifications incorporate functionality that will find applications across the media and entertainment value chain. This session will provide updates on the progress towards commercialisation of two new 5G features: 5G Broadcast and network slicing.

  • A Content Native Approach to AI & Video Distribution at Scale

    A Content Native Approach to AI & Video Distribution at Scale


    This informative session from Eluvio will showcase use of the Content Fabric as a next-generation content distribution and storage protocol transforming the delivery and monetisation of premium video and digital media. It will discuss how the Content Fabric provides fast, efficient, tamper-proof streaming and download, AI discovery, and monetisation of ...

  • A New Multiprotocol Framework for Solving Network Congestion in Real Time Streaming

    A New Multiprotocol Framework for Solving Network Congestion in Real Time Streaming


    Ceeblue’s new multiprotocol framework is an innovative technology that is transport protocol-, container- and codec-agnostic. It addresses the challenges of real-time streaming by balancing reliability and low latency during network congestion, using partial reliability to maintain synchronization. It currently supports HTTP and WebSocket transports, with potential for WebTransport and MoQ. ...

  • Appear launches new cloud-driven media processing software platform

    Appear launches new cloud-driven media processing software platform


    Appear, which specialises in high-capacity solutions for media processing and content delivery, launched its VX media processing software at IBC2024 in Amsterdam. The company said that VX enables broadcasters and operators to build, spin-up, adapt and spin-down entire production workflows.

  • IBC Stand Awards winners

    IBC Stand Awards winners


    The IBC Exhibition Stand Design Awards winners have been announced at IBC2024 in Amsterdam.

  • IBC Accelerators  CAPA II project will help broadcasters to fundamentally shift to software-defined solutions

    IBC Accelerators - CAPA II project will help broadcasters to “fundamentally shift” to software-defined solutions


    Following the build and development of an all IP, Edge-first, multi-cloud, multi software test bed environment in the CAPA Accelerator 2023, the project team is now positioned to implement and road test the solution on some real-world live event production scenarios. The number of different technologies and companies involved with ...

  • IBC Keynote - At the intersection of AI and creativity

    IBC Keynote - At the intersection of AI and creativity: “The best people with the best tools do the best work”


    Weighing up the right balance for human-machine collaboration, Andy Hood from WPP shares what he believes to be the right formula combing people, platform and skills, saying, “AI did not create this work, PEOPLE created this work, using AI.”

  • IBC Accelerators - Evolution of the Control Room

    IBC Accelerators - Evolution of the Control Room: AI assistance unlocks potential for voice-controlled automation


    The Evolution of the Control Room, leveraging XR, Voice, AI and HTML Based Graphic Solutions brings the control room into the 21st Century. This Challenge combines two original Accelerator 2024 proposals into a transformative, overarching project exploring the evolution of live production workflows – with two key streams of development. ...

  • SMPTE Education Empowering the innovators of tomorrow

    SMPTE Education: Empowering the innovators of tomorrow


    Hear from SMPTE President Renard Jenkin and Executive Vice President Richard Welsh as they provide insight into the association’s Education initiatives and how they are providing platforms for young engineers in the formative stages of their media careers. Hear insight on SMPTE’s UK and German chapters, initiatives such as the ...

  • XR – advances in capturing, rendering, and delivering

    XR – advances in capturing, rendering, and delivering


    In this extended session, four authors will each present their impressive research in the field of XR. Our first is an outstanding paper on the emerging volumetric video technology, Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs), where it provides a thorough and detailed treatise of the state-of-the-art as well as comparative performance results. ...

  • From Prep To EternityCloud-Based Media Management Down To Masters

    From Prep To Eternity: Cloud-Based Media Management Down To Masters


    Where is my data? That is the question. No one knows for sure, no one has full control. Digital assets management can no longer rely on casual habits and physical media alone: device failure probability increases every day, stored data can become inaccessible at any time. The cloud is the ...