All the biggest announcements from Europe’s big broadcast, media and entertainment show (13-16 September).

IBC2024 Day2: What to expect

Day 2 is on the horizon, and will certainly set a furious pace from the off, with IBC Technical Paper presentations, the full conference programme and the Innovation stage, to name but a few…

IBC Technical Papers

 The IBC Technical Papers presentation starts at 11:00 in Conference Room 2, exclusively for Delegate badge holders, the day starts with BBC R&D and lead author John Simmons presenting the session, “Provenance – what can we trust?” With papers providing an extraordinarily thorough walk through of the recently standardised Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity (C2PA) security and trust system; and reporting on trials undertaken by the BBC and the Media Cluster, Norway to implement C2PA, including how best to communicate that provenance information to the viewer.

IBC Conference

In the Delegate Lounge at 13:00, exclusive to Delegate badge holders, Maria Rua Aguete at Omdia will explore “Media & Entertainment key themes and trends”, revealing how the market is set to exceed $1 trillion in 2024.

At 14:00, listen to Andy Hood at WPP and WIRED’s Jeremy White in the Keynote Fireside Chat: “At the intersection of AI and creativity: Why the future lies in Human-Machine Collaboration,” on the opportunities and threats posed by AI and using this to a creative advantage.

Innovation Stage

Hall 3 kicks off at 10:00 with the free-to-attend sessions, opening with “Orchestrated 5G Live Media Production: Latest experiences from the cutting edge” where RTL, Deutsche Telekom, and Sony will demo their deployment of a 5G ecosystem for live production at several high-profile events in the summer.

At 10:45 the Accelerator sessions begin with “Accelerator session - Connecting Live Performances of the Future with ULL-AVLM” where developing a solution for delivering all data between venues is the focus.

The full Day 2 rundown is here: What to look out for on Day 2 (Saturday 14 September)

IBC2024 Day1: Networking

A last burst of excitement from day 1 of IBC2024 and you might be needing some evening entertainment Party & Event List (via Broadcast Projects), or maybe just catching up with peers and networking at the famous IBC Beach.

IBC2024 help and useful resources:

Need more information? Lost? Forgotten where a party is? We’ve got you covered.

Official show news (IBC Daily)

Interviews, insight and analysis (IBC365)

Exhibitor List & Floor Plan

What’s on? Browse the Content Agenda

Delegates Exclusive events – browse the IBC Conference agenda

Party & Event List (via Broadcast Projects)

Networking at IBC

IBC2024 Day1: The hottest action from the Esports Zone 



Game on in the IBC esports Zone in Hall 8

IBC2024 Day1: Packed Halls


The Ross Stand in Hall 8 drew a crowd immediately

IBC2024 Day1: MovieLabs 2030 – A Step Closer to the Vision

Movielabs’ Richard Berger and Leon Silverman along with key technology leaders from the Hollywood Studios, cloud providers, and software service providers discuss their plans for the next phase of industry engagement to realise the MovieLabs 2030 Vision.

MicrosoftTeams-image (3)


IBC2024 Day1: Greening of Streaming

IBC2024 Day1: Don’t miss - Media Cartographer Evan Shapiro and RTS Chief Executive Theresa Wise MBE

15:45 - 16:30 in the IBC Showcase Theatre (Hall 8, 8.A01)

Media Cartographer Evan Shapiro unveils a new Map of the UK TV Ecosystem charting the collision of native publishers and multinational streamers. RTS Chief Executive Theresa Wise MBE will chat with Shapiro about what the fast-shifting landscape holds for the UK Film & TV Community as well as for UK audiences. Theresa will introduce the RTS’s response to those wishing to master the business behind the shows – the RTS mini-MBA in Television & Streaming Media.

IBC2024 Day1: Live now AI in Production – training and targeting


AI in Production – training and targeting - Conference 2 

In this session, three authors present their work on the application of AI to media production. Our first paper from the EBU describes a facial recognition machine learning system that has been tailored to the specific needs of media documentalists. It seeks to only identify “active” and not incidental characters, assisting in compliance with privacy regulations. Our second paper, from NHK, presents a solution to the over-training problem when applying machine learning to multi-label indexing of news items, this is especially important for infrequently classified events. It provides good performance and has been trialled, with the authors also acknowledging its limitations. Our final paper, from Viaccess-Orca, looks to a future where Generative AI is used to adapt advertising based on characteristics / beliefs that have been gleaned of the target. Used in a closed loop, the Generative AI can test, score and adapt the media to maximise its impact!

IBC2024 help and useful resources:

Need more information? Lost? Forgotten where a party is? We’ve got you covered.

Official show news (IBC Daily)

Interviews, insight and analysis (IBC365)

Exhibitor List & Floor Plan

What’s on? Browse the Content Agenda

Delegates Exclusive events – browse the IBC Conference agenda

Party & Event List (via Broadcast Projects)

Networking at IBC


Setting the tempo early on at IBC2024

IBC2024 Day1: News from the IBC Daily

IBC2024 Day1: Accelerators is in Session

2-3pm - Accelerator session - Evolution of the Control Room - Leveraging XR, Voice, AI & HTML-Based Graphics Solutions

16:45 - 17:45 - Accelerator session - ECOFLOW: Energy-Conserving Optimization for Future-ready, Low-impact Online Workflows

Plenty more to follow on Day Two, as well as the IBC2024 Accelerator Drinks on Saturday 14, 5-6 PM, IBC Accelerator Zone, Hall 3 - don’t miss out on a fantastic networking opportunity, as well as being able to view all the Proof of Concepts in a casual environment.

IBC2024 Day1: IABM and Navigating a new Media Landscape

IBC2024 Day1: Doors have Opened!



The shape of IBC2024: The ‘what’, ‘where’ and ‘who’

Every year, IBC is at the forefront of industry innovation. It’s an enormous show with many moving parts. Whether you’re attending the show in person or plan to follow the news on IBC365  and IBC Daily, here’s an overview of what you can expect. 

14 Innovation halls  - Discover game-changing innovations: With over 1,300 exhibitors  spread across 14 halls, from world-leading brands to fast-growing start-ups. IBC is the place where the media and entertainment sector convene to design and define the agenda for our industry.

Showfloor content  - IBC’s free-to-attend showfloor content aims to facilitate interaction between industry buyers and sellers with showstopping features and groundbreaking, content-led sessions across the Innovation Stage  in Hall 3, Showcase Theatre  in Hall 8 and the two Content Everywhere stages in Hall 5 and Hall 14.

IBC2024: The Wait is Over


Useful show resources