This paper provides seamless service discovery (using DVB-I) with the delivery options of 5G (5G broadcast, 5G Media Streaming or hybrid).  


In January 2024, the DVB-I Service Discovery specification (ETSI TS 103770 [3]) was updated to allow different distribution systems to be described within a DVB-I service instance. This was motivated by use cases developed by the DVB Project aimed at signalling 5G-based content delivery of DVB-I services, and deep analysis undertaken jointly with 5G-MAG members, but also addresses use cases beyond the initial motivation. The result of this work is published in ETSI-TR-103-972 [5].


Prior to COVID, DVB ran an internal study item on the relation of 5G and DVB. The main conclusion from this study was, that DVB should view 5G as an opportunity rather than threat and identify commercially and technically relevant synergies and cooperation modes. Based on these findings, in March 2020 DVB initiated the creation of commercial requirements for mobile network operators (MNOs) and broadcast network operators (BNOs) for delivery of DVB-I over 5G. The work culminated in the publication of DVB Bluebook C100 [4] on Commercial Requirements for DVB-I over 5G in July 2021. The major idea of the commercial requirements is shown in Figure 1. A DVB-I service layer including DVB-I service list offering, DVB-I content packaging using DVB-DASH and DVB-AVC, and possibly converted into a unidirectional IP multicast stream using DVB-MABR is delivered over 5G systems using the well-defined network reference points for 5G Broadcast and 5G Media Streaming (5GMS). Equivalently, on the receiver, the APIs are used to provide service offerings for a DVB-I client.