During the FIFA World Cup 2022, Globo along with its technical partners, ran trials to test and showcase (i) the use MPEG-5 Part 2 – LCEVC to deliver legacy receiver compatible HDR over DTT, (ii) DASH live streamed 4K HDR video with immersive and personalized 5.1+4H audio, encoded with VVC, LCEVC and MPEG-H audio, and (iii) evaluation of the interactivity and personalization features provide by the authored MPEG-H Audio content in a Big Screen setting. NHK describes the trials, tools, and systems they put in place to incorporate Next Generation Audio into their live workflows. This also includes a detailed disclosure of a loudness measurement system, developed using both objective and subjective testing. This session is supported by two further papers; AWS assesses the sustainability of cloud-based media platforms providing a useful overview of initiatives underway in the industry. And a further paper from NHK which details their experience in building an NGA playout and recording system.


Stephan Heimbecher, Director Technology and Production Infrastructure - Swr


Taishi Iwasaki, Research Engineer - NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation)

Adrian Murtaza, Senior Manager Technology and Standards - Fraunhofer IIS

Yannik Grewe, Senior Manager - Media Technologies & Business Development - Fraunhofer IIS