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Distribution & Consumption

Broadcasting in 2024: Spotlight falls on production and platforms

Over the past decade, media companies had a strong focus on the way programmes were viewed – we’ve seen HD, 3D, 4k, 8k, HDR, VR, and AR presented as the next big thing. In 2024, things shifted. John-Maxwell Hobbs digs into production and delivery practices, cloud, AI and sustainability trends of the past 12 months.

It’s been a year when the broadcasting industry has prioritised refining production and delivery processes over developing new consumer-facing technologies. A shift that has driven innovations in cloud-based workflows, the use of mobile data for live contribution, and a widespread adoption of digital-first strategies by broadcasters. At the same time, the dominance of traditional broadcasters is being challenged not just by streaming platforms and FAST TV, but now by ...

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Level up: Addressing the skills gap in virtual production

As virtual production technology becomes more ubiquitous, the need for real-world training and development for professionals of all levels becomes paramount. John Maxwell Hobbs explores the education and training programmes on offer from academic institutions and industry organisations.

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