Appear has unveiled a new tailor-made solution dedicated to digital satellite news gathering (DSNG). The X10 DSNG includes a switch module, with built-in satellite reception and ASI IO ports, that supports encoding and satellite uplink in a single 1RU chassis.

DSNG vans are often needed in conjunction with outside broadcast vans to support live production for large events. While fibre connectivity has become more widespread, or associated with live event broadcast, there are still many venues that do not have high-capacity fibre connectivity, or require satellite transmission as a backup for fibre – which means DSNG vans still play an important role in contribution.

For DSNG vans, it is vital to have equipment that can deliver content via satellite or IP ports to support the use of satellite and fibre delivery simultaneously.

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X10 DSNG: supports both fibre and satellite delivery

In addition, with the X10 DSNG, operators can flexibly define the number of channels to be encoded and decoded, plus the number of satellite modulated outputs needed.

It can support encoding of 32 HD or 16 UHD channels with four HD or two UHD channels of decoding (for monitoring), while uplinking to one or two satellite transponders. It can support 250 streams ensuring it meets contribution needs.

Common compression technologies and video protocols are supported and the programmable hardware means that it can support new standards as and when they are defined.

With the modular nature of the X10 DSNG, additional compression standards can be supported through adding JPEG XS and JPEG2000 features.

“Over the past 18 months we’ve seen more remote productions and large-scale events take place, which has thrust OB and DSNG into the spotlight and put more demands on operators.

DSNG has an important role to play, and we’re delighted to bring a new solution to market that addresses their specific needs,” said Thomas Bostrøm Jørgensen, chief executive officer at Appear.

“The X10 DSNG not only supports fibre and satellite, but with built-in security, redundancy and support for an array of compression technologies and protocols, it is a solution that not only meets operators needs today, but will continue to support them for years to come