As the maturity of 5G looms large, the question arises: Is it time to talk about 6G? Join us on-demand as we dive deep into the transformative potential of digital connectivity in live broadcasting and streaming.
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The streaming wars 2.0: Re-evaluating D2C strategies
Join IBC365 on-demand as we discuss the rapid rate of change in the consumer streaming ecosystem. In the space of a few short years, streamers have had to pivot away from, not only a predominantly subscriber-revenue based model, but also content exploitation and platform strategies.

Webinar: IP Networks and 5G Workflows
Despite some last-minute conflicts preventing IBC365’s scheduled IP networks webinar, we were fortunate to have 5G expert Erik Vold from NRK join us. Erik provided an insightful discussion on the possibilities of integrating wireless workflows into IP productions, both in-studio and in the field. He gave insights into the process of experimentation with best-in-class workflows and designing 5G trials at NRK’s Media Operations Centre. The discussion covered some of the challenges of deploying 5G in a production environment and the necessity of a strong network to prove the use case. With some exciting 5G workflows planned over the summer, there is enormous potential to add flexibility to production and lower the overall footprint, which is a tempting promise.

Webinar: Measuring and reducing the footprint of streaming workflows
Join IBC365 and the ECOFLOW project champions, the recently launched IBC Accelerator, who will discuss the goals of the project, and how to determine and demonstrate opportunities for the industry to make processing, streaming and consumption of media more sustainable. Now available on-demand.

Webinar: The collision of gaming and TV: How CTV, streaming and VR are paving the way for new forms of media consumption
Join IBC365 on-demand as we discuss how the world of gaming is colliding with television, creating exciting new opportunities. Industry experts will explore the dynamic landscape of cloud gaming and will assess how much of a real opportunity this is for broadcasters and pay TV operators seeking to grab the attention of new audiences and drive interaction on their platforms.

Webinar: Towards a single tech stack: The future of distribution and connected TV
With the rise of connected TV, content owners are distributing to an ever-growing number of platforms, all with individual requirements and often separate teams needed to manage individual platforms. Join IBC365 on-demand to hear from content owners, telcos and broadcasters on their strategy for managing distribution.