Applicaster has launched Fast Forward Solutions, breakthrough multi-partner technology stacks that are said to dramatically accelerate video app development.


Speed and scale: Apps can be delivered across eight platforms in a matter of weeks

The Fast Forward Solutions include subscription, ad based and TV Everywhere business models, blending industry-standard technology partners – Brightcove, JW Player, MPX, Google Suite and Adobe Primetime, among many others – combined with deep technologies such as React Native to create custom designs in a matter of weeks.

According to Applicaster, UI and speed are top of mind for more than 85% of media company CTOs. The Fast Forward product release is a response to this need while also aiming to help the OTT industry grow their businesses in the post-Covid resurgence.

Sign up to IBC365 webinar supported by Applicaster: How OTTs thrive in an uncertain world

“To be successful and participate in the entertainment industry resurgence, media brands need to launch beautiful apps quickly, and have the flexibility to iterate on their financial models as the market continues to change,” said Devra Prywes, chief product officer and chief marketing officer at Applicaster. “We saw an opportunity to help the market launch new apps and expand onto additional platforms quickly, ahead of the holiday season surge, with Netflix-level UI and third-party technology stacks filled with the household name providers that power the OTT industry.”

Capabilities now possible with Fast Forward Solutions include the delivery of apps across eight platforms (Android, iOS, Apple’s tvOS, Roku, Android TV, Amazon Fire TV, and Samsung Smart TV) in a month from receipt of CMS API and assets; the ability to iterate and adjust strategy at any time – test a new monetisation model, analytics/data strategy, or optimise UI without incurring development time; and a transparent cost of ownership. Media companies can also work with the most frequently used OTT tech partners thanks to flexible tech stacks, while Applicaster’s Zapp Platform UI tools enable users to create their own pixel-perfect custom designs that rival the biggest OTT platforms in the market.