By day two IBC2024 is in full swing. The world’s leading content and M&E show will cover the most pressing topics for the industry, from the impacts of AI to sports broadcasting and end-to-end streaming. Not forgetting of course, the ample networking connections to be made.

To help you get caught up in the buzz at Amsterdam’s RAI, we’ve put together some highlights for day two, for Delegate badge holders, session hoppers and knowledge enthusiasts.

IBC Conference

In the Delegate Lounge at 13:00, exclusive to Delegate badge holders, Maria Rua Aguete at Omdia will explore “Media & Entertainment key themes and trends”, revealing how the market is set to exceed $1 trillion in 2024.

Read more IBC Conference preview: Uncovering the truth behind macro trends in the media industry

In Conference Room 1, starting at 11:15, “Combating disinformation in News: A critical year for democracies” Ross Dagan at CBS News, BBC R&D and GLOBO dissect the risks and propose solutions to the threats that include the widespread distribution of misinformation, brand impersonations, spoofs, fake news and synthetic content.

Read more IBC Conference: Beating fake news - inspiring trust in the age of disinformation

In the panel at 12:30, Kasia Jablonsk at BBC Studios joins a host of speakers to discuss: “Setting the pace for FAST in Europe? Monetisation and motivations,” on how European providers can ensure success with FAST goals.

Read more IBC Conference: BBC Studios – thinking FAST in Europe

At 14:00, listen to Andy Hood at WPP and WIRED’s Jeremy White in the Keynote Fireside Chat: “At the intersection of AI and creativity: Why the future lies in Human-Machine Collaboration,” on the opportunities and threats posed by AI and using this to a creative advantage.

Read more IBC Conference: Andy Hood on how AI represents the “next step in creative technology”

Later at 15:00, BEIN Media, NBC Sports & Olympics and OBS will discuss the pivotal past 12 months in sports broadcasting in “Olympics 2024: Technology to broadcast beyond expectations,” showing how businesses can capitalise on the endless opportunities.

IBC Technical Papers

Starting at 11:00 in Conference Room 2, exclusively for Delegate badge holders, the day starts with BBC R&D and lead author John Simmons presenting the session, “Provenance – what can we trust?” With papers providing an extraordinarily thorough walk through of the recently standardised Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity (C2PA) security and trust system; and reporting on trials undertaken by the BBC and the Media Cluster, Norway to implement C2PA, including how best to communicate that provenance information to the viewer.

At the next session at 12:30, “Streaming – the view from each end,” BBC and AWS India look at streaming from both ends, at “mega-concurrency scale” and actual day to day user experience of mobile services whilst on the go.

Finishing up at 15:00, in “XR – advances in capturing, rendering, and delivering” four authors will will each present their impressive research in the field of XR. emerging volumetric video technology, an ultra-low bit-rate 3D conferencing system, representing Volumetric Video and rethinking capture will be demonstrated in-depth.

Read more IBC Technical Papers: AI, XR and media provenance among the 2024 highlights

Innovation Stage

Hall 3 kicks off at 10:00 with the free-to-attend sessions, opening with “Orchestrated 5G Live Media Production: Latest experiences from the cutting edge” where RTL, Deutsche Telekom, and Sony will demo their deployment of a 5G ecosystem for live production at several high-profile events in the summer.

At 10:45 the Accelerator sessions begin with “Accelerator session - Connecting Live Performances of the Future with ULL-AVLM” where developing a solution for delivering all data between venues is the focus.

At 13:30 the team behind the project “Scalable Ultra-Low Latency Streaming for Premium Sports” will share use cases aiming to achieve Twitter-equivalent latency and near-instant playback start using standard HTTP streaming technical stack and infrastructure.

Closing the stage on day two is disguise and Video Progetti Srl in “How Sports Broadcasters Are Transforming Content Production into Fan Experiences.” This session will dive into the latest use cases of broadcast production including broadcaster NVP’s famous Innovation Hub which is a breeding ground for new production techniques including virtual production, cloud infrastructure and ST 2110 workflows.

Content Everywhere

Stage 1 in Hall 5 starts the day at 11:15 with showcasing the successful migration of the Disc Golf Network streaming platform from Vimeo OTT to Insys VT’s comprehensive and flexible OTT solution in “Revolutionizing Disc Golf Streaming: Successful Migration to Improve Viewer Experience.”


IBC2024: Content Everyhere

Then at 12:45, “From Paris to Hong Kong: How LTN and IMAX stream the biggest live events to global audiences with theatre-grade quality.” The global giants share first-hand how they have delivered events such as Paris 2024 and the NBA Finals – to global fans with the premium visual quality expected in an IMAX theatre.

Over on Stage 2 a panel discussion tackles the subject of Live sport and the OTT ‘ecosystem challenge’” at 10:45 with CDN Alliance, Gcore and Agile Content.

Then another panel at 13:30 with United Talent Agency and Adobe showcase how AI transforms marketing with an innovative project that allows audiences to interact with Digital characters in real-time in “Transforming Media Production with AI: Insights and Innovations.”

Showcase Theatre

In the free-to-attend Showcase Theatre in Hall 8, day two sees highlights on media revolutions and streaming innovations. The full agenda can be found here.

Kicking off at 10:00, AWS and Sky team up in the session: “Global Streaming Power: Sky and NBCU deliver large-scale live events to Europe and beyond” with invaluable insights into the groundbreaking technical achievements behind delivering large-scale live events via a streaming platform.

Then at 15:00, advancements in synthetic voice technology, language models, and intelligent automation are explored in a panel of speakers from Deepdub, Spherex and Paramount in AI-Powered Localisation, Compliance, and The New Rules of Engagement.

Rounding off the day, Formula 1 and AWS get together at 16:00 in “Innovating the F1 Broadcast & AWS and Formula 1 Watch Party” with the invite to watch the qualifying session from the Azerbaijan Grand Prix, including live expert predictions, reactions, and insights, as well as interactive driving experiences.

IBC Esports Zone

The free-to-attend sessions in Hall 8’s esports zone is where the brains behind the fast-growing world of esports gather to share insight and mingle.

At 11:00 Blackmagic take the stage with “The Power of Blackmagic in esports,” to dive into the world of hardware and accessible solutions for esports.

Then at 14:45, TinkerList CEO will share his experiences as a multi-cam director on the pitfalls of sports & live productions, in “Streamlining Chaos: Rundowns in eSports.”

AI Tech Zone

Brand new for 2024 and powered by EBU, is the AI Tech Zone in Hall 14 – the newest edition to IBC.

Day two begins at 10:00 with AI Caramba! on “Harnessing AI’s Evolution: From Creative Challenges to Breakthroughs in Media and Entertainment” exploring how AI in M&E enhances the creative capabilities of artists and producers.

Then at 11:00, NVIDIA, Monks, Speechmatics and Dell Technologies discuss a revolution in the convergence of AI and software-defined infrastructure in “AI Meets Software-Defined Infrastructure: Shaping the Future of Live Media.”

After lunch, a panel of experts get together to share insights on the transformative impact of artificial intelligence on media consumption and what the future holds for reaching new frontiers in audience engagement in “How AI is reaching new audiences through personalised media” at 13:00.

Later Magnifi and World Football Freestyle Association delve into “Changing the Game: Predictive Generative AI” at 14:40.

Exhibition floor

Out on the Exhibition floor, you can expect the usual hive of activity with stands from the biggest names in the industry and those new start-ups breaking the mould, all demonstrating their cutting edge tech. IBC’s 1,200 exhibitors this year include industry leaders such as Adobe, Amazon Web Services (AWS), ARRI, Avid, Blackmagic Design, Canon, Dell Technologies, EVS, Fraunhofer, Google, Grass Valley, LTN, Mediakind, Microsoft, NEP Group, Ross Video, Sony, Telstra and many, many more.

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