It is just a matter of time until the CDN industry undergoes virtualisation, making purchasing a CDN as simple as ordering a taxi through Uber.

The CDN market is no longer held captive by the misconception that relying on a single CDN vendor is beneficial. More and more companies are transitioning from single to multi-CDN infrastructures to address cost, performance, and availability challenges.


ROI multi-CDNs

Streaming companies were the first to utilise this technology strategy to reduce costs. SaaS companies like Wix, Walmart, and others have shifted and built their own multi-CDN solutions to improve availability and performance. The market trend is clearly moving towards multi-CDN infrastructure, which will soon become a commodity.

A few months ago, analyst Holger Mueller (Constellation Research Inc.) told SiliconANGLE it was only a matter of time before someone seized on the idea of an “uber CDN” that would help enterprises to better leverage the capabilities of multiple CDN platforms.

“For many large organisations, the reality is that content is spread across multiple CDN providers, and they don’t make it simple to share or export that content elsewhere,” the analyst explained. “So IO River is onto something extremely promising, and its ability to ease CDN operations will likely be well-received by those companies that rely on these services to support next-generation applications at the edge.”

For those who are not familiar with IO River, it’s a platform for building and managing multiple CDNs under one roof. In other words - “Multi CDN As A Service.” Today, IO River supports over 12 CDN vendors, including Fastly, Cloudfront, Edgio, Akamai, Cloudflare, and more.

A short tour of the IO River platform reveals a hint of how IO River is paving its way to “Ubering” the market. IO River’s performance monitoring features not only present how each CDN performs but also show how IO River performs overall. IO River proves how the whole is more than the sum of its parts by taking the best-performing CDN at every moment.

Meet IO River at IBC in September and ask about multiple CDNs in person.