FEELWORLD LUT7 7 Inch IPS Panel Touch Screen DSLR Camera Field Monitor

Seetec feelworld index

IBC Showcase: FEELWORLD LUT7 7inch full HD 2200nits camera field monitors is a touch screen with 3D LUT HDR, waveform, vector scopes functions.

FEELWORLD LUT7 is a 7” 1920 x 1200 with 2200 nits and displays a 1200:1 contrast ratio and sRGB / Rec.709 Color Gamut, resulting in exceptional screen clarity even in intense lighting conditions. With the monitor displaying your content at 323 pixels per inch (PPI), you can shoot in broad daylight with confidence and refine your content on the spot. The wide 160º viewing angle makes it easy for multiple members of the crew to watch it at the same time.


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