According to Axing, its new MIE 8-/16-/32-00 units are cost-effective, compact and modular IP to DVB-C/T modulators, on show with the new MIE 4-/8-02 IP-to-DVB-T2 modulators.
In the past it was primarily necessary to convert satellite signals into DVB-C/T-or IP-based signals. Now, says Axing, the opposite direction is gaining in importance: the rise of high-speed fibre optic networks means network operators now only provide IP-based TV and multimedia signals. Now, headend devices are needed for hotels, hospitals or residential facilities with DVB-C/T/T2 modulation.
The new devices consist of one or two modules. Each module supports 512 SPTS or 16 MPTS at the input. The software is said to make it easy to re-multiplex the incoming streams, meaning that individual program lists can be achieved.
The modules convert the programs into 8/16 × DVB-C, 6/12 × DVB-T or four DVB-T2 output channels. According to Axing, this modular layout creates great flexibility. The MIE 8/16-00 has 8/16 DVB-C or 6/12 DVB-T output channels, while the MIE 32-00 has 32 DVB-C or 24 DVB-T output channels. The MIE 4-02 has 4 DVB-T2 output channels, and the MIE 8-02 has eight DVB-T2 output channels.
Axing is exhibiting at IBC2019 on Stand 5.B68.
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