The subject of 5G for media is explored by Assunta De Vita in her paper ’5G Broadcast and New Radio: perspectives for media delivery’, by Ben Bendre and Sharath Prasad in their paper ’Creating transformational media solutions using 5G edge computing’ and the topic is examined further in the supporting paper, ’5G Media Distribution - Status and ongoing work.’

Scratch below “5G is faster” and you’ll uncover a technically sophisticated framework with detailed architectural solutions designed to support many new use cases and business models.

5G Delivering on the promise

5G Delivering on the promise

In this session we look at two extremes - edge computing, enabled by 5G, which promises highly customised and computationally demanding media experiences to individual users – but what do you actually implement and how do you deploy and manage this extraordinary degree of customisation – our author has been doing just this. At the other extreme, with the standardisation of 5G Terrestrial concluded, the convergence of mobile and broadcast is finally done!

IBC Digital Watch presentations by Assunta De Vita on ’5G Broadcast and New Radio: perspectives for media delivery’ and by Ben Bendre and Sharath Prasad on ’Creating transformational media solutions using 5G edge computing’ 

Here, our author argues further changes including a new radio design may still be needed for viable commercial operations. Finally, our supporting paper provides an update on the status and on-going work in 3GPP’s Media Streaming, Broadcast and recent release 17 work on new codecs and edge computing.

  • More Tech Paper sessions here

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