In this session from IBC2024, Telestra Broadcast Service and the BBC present their work 5G Case Studies as part of the IBC Technical Papers. 

Our first paper from Telstra provides technical insight into a series of trials conducted alongside national broadcasters and sports producers exploring the use cases, workflow, viability, and efficacy of advanced slicing techniques on the public sub-6GHz 5G network. These trials covered major events, live sports, and other similar contribution use cases and have demonstrated the positive impact of slicing on feed stability and availability, particularly in areas of high network congestion. 

Our second paper a collaborative effort from BBC R&D, TV2 and Neutral Wireless seeks to optimise 5G for low latency production in both TV studio settings and multi-camera outdoor broadcasts.  The paper discusses the performance and optimisation of the scheduler as well as the latency/capacity trade-off, before drawing conclusions on what the network is and is not suitable for. 


Dr Thorsten Lohmar (Ericsson) 

Papers are available for access here: