The blueprint for best-in-class video subscriber management

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Insights on user acquisition and retention, identity, payments, content partner settlement, entitlement, and customer care for video service providers.

This book is a blueprint for best-in-class video user and revenue lifecycle management.

The blueprint for best-in-class video subscriber management is an invaluable resource that will help you evaluate subscription billing, product catalogue, identity management, and customer care platforms.

The book is ideal for video service providers, whether they are providing SVOD/AVOD/TVOD services, triple- or quad-play bundles, PPV products, or new DTC service offerings.

Readers will gain insights from industry experts on topics such as user acquisition, engagement and retention, identity, payments, content partner settlement, packaging, promotions, and customer care.


Please sign in or subscribe to IBC365 for free access to The blueprint for best-in-class video subscriber management and many more whitepapers, industry analysis, interviews and videos.