Our second paper, from NHK, presents a solution to the over-training problem when applying machine learning to multi-label indexing of news items, this is especially important for infrequently classified events. It provides good performance and has been trialled, with the authors also acknowledging its limitations. Our final paper, from Viaccess-Orca, looks to a future where Generative AI is used to adapt advertising based on characteristics / beliefs that have been gleaned of the target. Used in a closed loop, the Generative AI can test, score and adapt the media to maximise its impact!


Stephan Heimbecher, Competence Center Production & Infrastructure - Swr


Alain Nochimowski, CTO - Viaccess-Orca

Alexandre Rouxel, Sr Project Manager - Data and AI - European Broadcasting Union (EBU)

Yuki Yasuda, Researcher - NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation)