Lino from Zero Density enables production assets to be used in pre-production motion graphics, real-time motion graphics and virtual production graphics. This approach aims to not only enhance rendering and compositing quality, but also reduce production costs.

Powered by Unreal Motion Design, the company claims that Lino increases rendering and compositing quality while simplifying asset creation and integration and reducing operator complexity. Creative workflows for real-time motion graphics, LED video wall content and virtual production graphics can all be operated via the company’s Reality Hub interface. This integrated control means that all content created with Lino can be effortlessly operated from one control interface, with or without newsroom computer systems or automation integration.

Zero Density-2-KE-PUB

All Lino features can be operated via Zera Density’s Reality Hub interface

Lino’s unified production environment reduces the need for multiple software solutions, cutting asset creation costs and simplifying operations, while its ‘create once, use anywhere’ approach allows assets to be used across both virtual production and real-time motion graphics projects.

Stand Number: 7.B01

Company: Zero Density