IBC2024: New talent pipeline strategies

Rise, SMPTE and Women in Streaming: Mentorship and networking key to diversity and retention in broadcast

IBC Talent Programme Part 2: Mentorship and networking opportunities are key to bringing on and retaining young technical staff in broadcast and streaming, including improving diversity and encouraging women to join the industry, according to speakers in the afternoon session of the IBC Talent Programme on 16 Sept.

Mentorship can bring huge benefits both to young women new to the industry and to their mentors, according to a panel on mentorship at IBC.

Ben Davenport, Rise Mentor and Founder, and mentee Eloise Russell, along with Katy Oberdiek, a Women in Streaming Media (WSM) mentee joined to discuss mentorship in the Showcase Theatre.

Russell said that Rise strongly appealed to her when she was new to the media and entertainment business. Application for the programme was very straightforward and she had a great experience with mentorship. She said her mentor had a very similar experience to her and had advised her how best to navigate through a job change...

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