Caretta Research, in partnership with Livepeer Studio, has delivered a new whitepaper titled ‘Interactive Live Streaming: The Evolution of the Streaming Experience’, identifying profitable real-time streaming business models for a range of streaming companies.

Interactive Live Streaming (ILS) is the natural evolution of streaming video, but traditional approaches and legacy technologies make it cost-prohibitive to all but the largest streaming providers.

Advanced in-stream engagement features like co-viewing, audience chat, polling, gifting, betting, transactions, live pricing, and auctions are critical across use cases, including retail, wagering, sports, gaming, and education — driving revenue generation and viewer engagement. Enabling real-time delivery, ILS, and integrating real-time engagement tools is expensive, complex, and often requires custom development. Regular cloud video solutions and centralized streaming infrastructure fail to deliver the cost efficiency and flexibility emerging and established streamers need to deploy ILS as part of their strategy and grow new revenue.

This report demonstrates how cost-effective real-time streaming opens up profitable ILS-driven business models to a wide range of streaming companies, enabling them to augment subscription or ad-based strategies that struggle to deliver sustainable revenue growth.

The report shows that Livepeer Studio’s distributed network architecture enables cost savings of up to 74% to deliver ILS compared with several established streaming solution vendors reliant on major commercial cloud providers. Supporting both WebRTC and HLS protocols, Livepeer Studio delivers low-latency live streaming with real-time interactivity, advanced viewer engagement, and performance analytics while ensuring high reliability and video quality.