The new Indigo ST 2110 openGear gateway card from Cobalt Digital offers bidirectional 12G, four channels HD (up to 1080p60). It includes support for ST 2022-7 seamless redundancy switching, as well as IS 04/05 NMOS for automatic discovery and configuration.

Berend Blokzijl, Director of Sales, EMEA, Cobalt Digital, said: “It’s an affordable way of doing SDI to 2110 or 2110 to SDI. It’s ideal for customers who don’t need any processing, just conversion.” Cobalt Digital has higher-end cards that include processing.

4. Cobalt offers more affordable conversion

Blokzijl: Latest Indigo card “an affordable way of doing SDI to 2110 or 2110 to SDI”

Also new is the Aria 12G Dante embedder/de-embedder. This four-channel openGear card can take in MADI and output Dante, or vice versa. “It is also much more affordable than our existing Dante cards that do much more,” he added.

There is also a new four-channel version of its Sapphire product line of convertors, going between ST 2110 and HDMI (in either direction), while users of its 9992 encoder can now add its ST 2110 daughter card to it, so it can integrate with 2110 workflows.

Stand Number: 10.B41

Company: Cobalt Digital