The IP-4042 from Astrodesign is a realtime region of interest (ROI) extractor that gives a user the ability to create four simultaneous independent 1920x1080 cutouts from a single 8K source. It extracts all four independent HD images and outputs them as separate channels like a virtual camera.  

Meanwhile, cutout picture movements can be programmed and automated by using hotkeys located on the front of the unit. This means that a programme operator can define and control four camera shots with very little installation, simple operation and reduced costs. 


Shuichi: ‘One operator is about to create four independent outputs from one 8K camera’ 

Yoshioka ‘Sean’ Shuichi, General Manager, International Sales Division, Astrodesign, said: “A good use case is to use a single 8K camera to shoot a whole stage, and cover different aspects of the stage like a virtual camera. One operator is able to create four independent outputs from one 8K camera, and programme movements of each video channel via a shortcut key, which makes it very easy to operate.”  

Stand Number   9.A11 

Company   Astrodesign