This year’s IBC will see the launch of a new initiative, The Flint Green Line, celebrating more sustainable travel to industry events. The Green Line is a networking event that takes place on a Eurostar train, travelling from London to Amsterdam on 12 September.

The event, hosted by media industry sustainability publication The Flint, will offer attendees an afternoon of connection and climate awareness. Activities will include carbon literacy training, presentations from vendors, a pub quiz, food and even music from a live jazz band, LDN2BTN.


The Flint Green Line: More sustainable travel

An in-cabin network, dubbed ‘Green Line TV’, will allow live delivery of onboard presentations and video content directly to the personal devices of attendees seated in the dedicated Green Line train carriage. The Green Line TV tech has been put together by sponsor companies Broadpeak and Norsk by Id3as,

The Flint aims to expand the Green Line initiative for next year and potentially roll it out to other trade shows, with the intention to encourage the greenest engagement possible with professional events, combined with high quality, high fun networking.

The Flint was soft-launched at last year’s IBC Show by industry veterans Neil Howman and Neal Romanek to provide the media & entertainment industry with a single news and information source on sustainability, change management and business future-proofing.

The Flint Green Line’s headline sponsor is Ateliere Creative Technologies. In addition to the IBC Show itself, other sponsors are Broadpeak, ClimateEQ, Genelec, Greening of Streaming, Humans Not Robots, MTSS, Norsk By Id3as, and VMI.

The Flint Green Line tickets are still available for more information, contact The Flint publisher Neil Howman at