Attendees at IBC2024 can see the benefits of Witbe’s innovative tech suite for streaming and broadband video service providers, to measure viewers’ true quality of experience (QoE). At IBC2024, Witbe will showcase the power of its automated testing and proactive monitoring technology.

During the show, Witbe will debut a new version of its Mobile Automation setup, easily allowing providers to remotely test any video app running on real mobile devices. Additionally, Witbe will demonstrate the QoE and Data Usage Benchmarking technology, which enables mobile network operators and video service providers to measure and compare bandwidth consumption to reduce data usage and costs while maintaining a pristine video experience for viewers.


Mathieu Planche, Witbe

The new Mobile Automation technology allows teams to directly test and monitor their video apps running on mobile devices from anywhere in the world. Developed with the company’s commitment to accessibility and a simple installation process in mind, Witbe’s Mobile Automation setup empowers providers to plug in real mobile devices, connect them to power, and begin automatically testing any video app on them. This innovative plug-and-play technology empowers companies to accurately measure and improve their QoE on the same devices their viewers use, allowing them to stand out in the market by delivering optimal video quality.

The technology is designed to strike an ideal balance between streaming video quality and bandwidth usage.

Mathieu Planche, CEO at Witbe, said: “Witbe is excited for this IBC2024, where the innovation of our industry is always on display. Offering a strong QoE is essential to standing out in a crowded video market, and Witbe’s ready-to-use testing and monitoring technology helps providers deploy automation quickly to start seeing results right away. Our dedicated approach to testing on real devices continues as we expand to address new concerns, including streaming ad insertion, rapidly increased data usage over cellular networks, and integrating AI and machine learning into the QA process.”