IABM is to form an industry-wide Diversity Action group with the aim of championing diversity and inclusion in the broadcast, media and entertainment industry.

The decision to form Diversity Action follows the Big Debate session which closed the recent IABM BaM Live! event, where leaders from national and international diversity organisations debated ‘Getting to grips with diversity in Broadcast, Media & Entertainment’.

Announcing Diversity Action IABM CEO, Peter White said: “Almost as soon as the Big Debate started, I could sense a shared ‘lightbulb’ moment where it became obvious to all the participants that collaboration between their organizations would be immensely beneficial in accelerating diversity and inclusion globally.

Peter white

Peter White: IABM CEO

”With its international reach and membership, and commitment to connecting and informing the entire global industry, IABM is ideally placed to be the fulcrum of that collaboration – the champion of diversity. We have the facilities, the forum and most importantly, the commitment to equal opportunity and education to be the industry’s champion of diversity.

”We can help deliver meaningful action to level the playing field for everyone irrespective of race, ethnicity, gender, orientation, age or ability difference and so ensure that all have equal opportunity to be the best they can be.”

IABM’s Lucinda Meek – CFO and chair of Diversity action, and Lisa Collins, head of membership engagement, as IABM’s Diversity Champions, will be instrumental in setting up and running Diversity Action.

Lisa Collins, who chaired the Big Debate, added: “Collaboration is key, and IABM is already working with many organisations on a global basis.

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Lisa Collins: IABM head of membership engagement

”So it is well placed to raise awareness of the message on diversity, to share experiences and best practices, and drive the change that will make our industry a better place. Working together through Diversity Action we can enhance the health, vibrancy and equality of our industry and raise standards on a global basis.”

Lucinda Meek added:  “Whether related to accessibility, gender, ethnicity, age or sexual orientation, IABM’s commitment to an inclusive industry is top of our agenda.

“Announcing Diversity Action is just the first step – we are committed to making a real difference and quickly; it’s all about meaningful action from the ground up, not just another talking shop.

”We are proactively seeking committed individuals and organizations from around the world to take advantage of the international forum for the exchange of experiences and best practices Diversity Action will offer. We will shortly be convening the first of what we envisage to be regular meetings of Diversity Action, hosted on our new BaM Zone platform.”
