paus, a streaming app for independent films, is collaborating with Magine Pro to expand in a secure and scalable way leveraging Magine Pro’s OTT platform, bringing a greater library of independent films to more Android or iOS devices.

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Wilkinson: ‘paus is a prime example of the innovative new services that are now available’

“Since we introduced the paus app earlier this year, the response has been both encouraging and exciting and our community is growing quickly, especially with the recent launch of our crowdfund campaign. As a result, we’re looking to accelerate our growth plans and bring paus to more users, as quickly as we can,” said Rishi Kapoor, CEO and founder of paus.

“Partnering with Magine Pro means we can focus on curating more incredible content and supporting filmmakers, in the knowledge that we have a proven OTT tech partner to help ramp up our platform. We look forward to working with the Magine Pro team to bring paus to a greater audience of people that share our passion for independent film.”

The paus community will be able to watch more than 250 short films from comedy and documentaries to horror and sci-fi on the mobile device and platform of their choice. Platform developments will maintain the familiar tipping feature on paus, which enables audiences to financially reward and support filmmakers.

“It’s great for Magine Pro to be working with paus to bring its streaming service to more film lovers across more devices,” explained Matthew Wilkinson, CEO of Magine. “The demand for streaming services has increased as a result of the pandemic and paus is a prime example of the innovative new services that are now available.”

The upgraded paus streaming platform will launch within the next six months.