Content Everywhere: meeting the diversity challenge

In last month’s review of key trends at IBC this year, Mark Strachan, chief product officer at Telstra Broadcast Services, made the observation that the media and entertainment industry remains a “very male-dominated industry with more work needed to create change”.

Telstra itself believes it is bucking the trend, even though only 25% of its 24-strong team at IBC were women. As the company concedes, there is still much more it can do, “but this percentage felt higher than many other companies with whom we met” at IBC, it says.

Roland Sars, CEO of Media Distillery, acknowledges the challenge of recruiting women for tech roles, “particularly in our specialist field of AI, which is increasingly important in media and entertainment. We have made progress with recent hires, but recognise we still have a long way to go,” he says...

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Broadcasting in 2024: Spotlight falls on production and platforms

Over the past decade, media companies had a strong focus on the way programmes were viewed – we’ve seen HD, 3D, 4k, 8k, HDR, VR, and AR presented as the next big thing. In 2024, things shifted. John-Maxwell Hobbs digs into production and delivery practices, cloud, AI and sustainability trends of the past 12 months.

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Content Everywhere: a look back at 2024

As the year draws to a close, it seems an opportune time to ask Content Everywhere companies for their views on the top trends in 2024. As always, key industry players have been keen to respond with comments and views on how the past year shaped up both for them and the wider industry.

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