IBC Standfirst: P.I. Engineering designs, manufactures, sells and supports computer input hardware including unique keyboards, controls, and adapters.
X-keys are a family of USB programmable keyboards, keypads, and controls. Any key on an X-keys can trigger an action on a computer. It can typically mean one-button access to tools, filters, and macros. The dedicated keys on an X-keys make you more efficient and lets you keep your mind on the project instead of the software. X-keys devices can emulate USB keyboard, mouse, game controller, or multimedia commands. These commands can even be stored in X-keys on-board memory and sent without installing special drivers or software on the host device. X-keys work on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and Android. We offer our free SDK allowing X-keys to be written and integrated into any system. X-keys can also send virtual midi notes. A virtual midi driver is included with MW3.1.
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