IBC Digital continues to host discussions and presentations, with a presentation from Microsoft on the role of the cloud, data, AI and gaming tech.

In this session, Microsoft and IBC will look at how media companies are using the cloud, data, artificial intelligence, and gaming technology to streamline production and distribution processes, to create new direct-to-consumer channels, to drive personalized experiences, smarter content investments, and more impactful advertising opportunities. We will discuss several real-world examples for how media companies have leveraged these technologies to become more agile, optimize their cost structure, create new revenue streams, and respond to changing audience and advertiser expectations.

This session will be held at 3pm GMT Monday 31st January on IBC Digital

IBC’s Accelerators have also presented their work so far and three of the 2021 projects are now available on demand. Discussions involve champions and participants: AI Bias Detection, 5G & Remote Production in Live Sport and Sustainability in Live Production.

Read more for more information about all of the 2021 Accelerator projects and the 2022 call for innovation click here

And for more information and to register for IBC Digital click here